
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We offer same day delivery for customers residing in Accra and surroundings. For customers outside Accra, your package will be sent to VIP station or any preferred station of your choice on the same day you make your order but please note that delivery time solely depends on when the station car sets off. This normally comes with a fee from the dispatching company.

Kindly note that delivery from our shop to the station also comes with a fee which will be decided my the dispatch rider.

We can be located easily using the google map by simply searching Popo cameras and business center thus if you are driving or using bolt or Uber. For customers using public transport kindly contact us on our office number 0548997689 for further directions depending on where you are coming from.

We are a reliable registered Ghanaian business with established branches in Accra and Kumasi known for providing our customers with satisfactory services in terms of quality of products, good customer service and providing exactly what customers request for.

So please edge forward with your orders or call 0548997689 for assistance to enjoy our services.

We are sorry you could not find the item you needed on our site but please feel free to contact us using the office numbers or any of our social media handles to enquire if we have it in stock but was not displayed on site. There is also an option of pre ordering items based on customers request

Visit Our Expert Stores!

Accra: Lapaz, behind GT Bank

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